[Dbix-class] ResultClass::HashRefInflator skipping last column
on table joins
Jillian Rowe
jir2004 at qatar-med.cornell.edu
Mon Nov 26 08:31:31 GMT 2012
Well, for some background I am creating a reporter page where a user selects the variables they want from different tables. Its being used for clinical survey data, one database per study. I have many tables that all have the same structure, one per survey, and one table that contains all patientIDs. Each survey data table has a foreign key constraint on the patientID, Qpid, table.
The table names and fields are fed to the controller. I have tested this for many cases, but here is one particular.
#This input is part of the url, but I'll define it here for clarity.
$db = "RH";
$c->stash(rs => $c->model($db."::Qpid"))
#for this particular case, sometimes this has an actual value
$c->stash(WHERE => undef);
##Gets me
[debug] $VAR1 = [
[debug] $VAR1 = 'qdem';
$rs = $rs->search(
select => $c->stash->{FIELDS},
join => $c->stash->{TABLES},
@infl = $rs->all;
###In the debug log
'qdem' => {
'qdem0006' => '1',
'qdem0007' => '1950',
'qdem0009' => '5',
'qdem0008' => '-1',
'PID' => '0017'
While using
$cursor = $rs->cursor;
while (my @vals = $cursor->next) {
$c->log->debug("ROW: @vals");
###Debug log
0017 1 1950 -1 1 9.5*
**Where 9.5 is from column qdem0010 and missing in the hashrefinflator
My Dbix class version is 0.08196 according to this command 'perl -MDBIx::Class -e 'print $DBIx::Class::VERSION';'
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