[Dbix-class] Using and inter-linking multiple databases via DBIC: "Can't find source"

Henry Van Styn vanstyn at cpan.org
Fri Oct 18 19:13:05 GMT 2013

On 10/18/2013 1:26 PM, will trillich wrote:
> We are using Catalyst for a web app. We've split off the =

> authentication database to facilitate multiple different apps using =

> the same user credentials, but we're having trouble linking the auth =

> db to the biz-info db.
> The generalized user/team credentials and related info are in Auth, =

> and the actual business info for this app is in DB. Here's an object =

> from the DB database:
> package Learn::Schema::DB::Result::TeamEmail;
> #...
> __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( team =3D> 'Learn::Schema::Auth::Result::Team' );
> Note that we're trying to get DB::TeamEmail to refer to Auth::Team =

> here. And below is the related object from the Auth database:
> package Learn::Schema::Auth::Result::Team;
> #...
> __PACKAGE__->has_many( emails =3D> =

> 'Learn::Schema::DB::Result::TeamEmail', 'team' );
> At this point we expect
> *$team->emails_rs*
> to work but instead we get
> Can't find source for Learn::Schema::DB::Result::TeamEmail
> because TeamEmail isn't in $self->source_registrations (full names) or =

> $self->class_mappings (brief names) in the =

> DBIx::Class::Schema::source() method.
> Pointers? Is there a different approach? Got a clue stick?

You probably just need to load the additional result classes into your =


Assuming you are using the typical __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces call in =

your Schema class, you can call it with parameters to find classes under =

multiple namespaces. Something like this in your Learn::Schema::DB:

    result_namespace    =3D> [ '+Learn::Schema::Auth::Result', 'Result' ],
    resultset_namespace =3D> [ =

'+Learn::Schema::Auth::ResultSet','ResultSet' ],

See https://metacpan.org/module/DBIx::Class::Schema#load_namespaces for =

more details

You will also probably need to make sure you use 'dbname.tablename' =

instead of just 'tablename' in the __PACKAGE__->table() call in your =

result classes. If you're using Schema::Loader, see the =

'qualify_objects' option to have this generated automatically:


Hope this helps,


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