[Dbix-class] Deployment seems to destroy CHARACTER SET settings on MySQL tables
Matija Grabnar
matija at serverflow.com
Thu Aug 14 09:09:24 GMT 2014
Lianna, thank you!
I put the module you wrote in my lib directory, and I modified the
call I make to dbicdump to
include the loader class:
dbicdump -I ./lib
-o dump_directory=./lib \
-o debug=1 \
loader_class='MyApp::Schema::Loader::DBI::mysql::ExtraColumnInfo' \
MyDB \
'dbi:mysql:dbname=mydb' \
someusername \
But it still doesn't record the character set details into the Result
files that it generates (or anywhere else that I can find). And that
means that the install/upgrade scripts also don't get the info.
I am using DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader 0.7039, do I need a later
version? Or am I missing something else?
Best regards,
Matija Grabnar
On 08/12/2014 04:41 PM, Lianna Eeftinck wrote:
> package MyApp::Schema::Loader::DBI::mysql::ExtraColumnInfo;
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::mysql';
> use mro 'c3';
> my $mysql_text_types = qr/^(?: var(?:char)? | char(?:acter)? |
> (?:tiny|medium|long)?text )$/msxi;
> sub new {
> return shift->next::method( @_ );
> }
> sub _extra_column_info {
> my ( $self, $table, $col, $info, $dbi_info ) = @_;
> my $extra_info = $self->next::method( $table, $col, $info,
> $dbi_info );
> if ( $info->{data_type} =~ /$mysql_text_types/msxi ) {
> my ( $character_set_name, $collation_name ) = eval {
> $self->dbh->selectrow_array( qq{
> SELECT character_set_name, collation_name
> FROM information_schema.columns
> WHERE table_name = ? AND lower(column_name) = ?
> }, {}, $table->name, lc( $col ) );
> };
> if ( my $has_information_schema = not $@ ) {
> $extra_info->{ extra }{ mysql_collate } = $collation_name;
> $extra_info->{ extra }{ mysql_charset } = $character_set_name;
> }
> }
> return $extra_info;
> }
> 1;
> And include it in the schema loader options too:
> loader_class => 'MyApp::Schema::Loader::DBI::mysql::ExtraColumnInfo'
> It's actually reading the database where this information gets lost,
> it's never stored in the YAML generated by DBIx::Schema::Loader, so it
> won't be output properly either until it is added.
> -- Lianna
> On 10 August 2014 15:32, Matija Grabnar <matija at serverflow.com
> <mailto:matija at serverflow.com>> wrote:
> I am developing a Catalyst application that uses DBIx::Class. I
> thought I would do things right and use
> DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler right from the start.
> I was able to get it to deploy and upgrade my tables very nicely.
> However, I have run into a show stopper now:
> The character set settings of tables and strings are not
> preserved. That means that if I declare a table like this:
> create table graph_category (
> id serial primary key,
> category varchar(190) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE
> utf8mb4_unicode_ci,
> unique index i_graph_category_category(category)
> ) engine=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
> and then do
> dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib \
> -o debug=1 \
> MyDB \
> 'dbi:mysql:dbname=mydb' \
> someusername \
> notthepassword
> And then a script containing
> my $dh = DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler->new(
> {
> schema => $schema,
> script_directory => "$FindBin::Bin/../dbicdh",
> databases => 'MySQL',
> sql_translator_args => { add_drop_table => 1 },
> force_overwrite => $force_overwrite,
> }
> );
> $dh->prepare_install;
> $dh->install;
> The table in the database will become:
> CREATE TABLE `graph_category` (
> `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
> `category` varchar(190) DEFAULT NULL,
> PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
> UNIQUE KEY `i_graph_category_category` (`category`)
> In other words, all the character set info has disappeared. Since
> the requirements specify a lot of UTF8 work, I find that quite
> distressing. And in production, I'm afraid it could lead to data
> corruption.
> Does anybody know of a way to avoid this problem (short of
> discarding DeploymentHandler altogether)?
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