[Dbix-class] Re: Reusing defined columns (inheritance?)
Hartmaier Alexander
alexander.hartmaier at t-systems.at
Fri Jan 3 16:39:40 GMT 2014
On 2014-01-03 14:17, Dmitry Latin wrote:
>>> Yeah, but it works only with one parent. I want to subclass from 2 parent
>>> classes.
>> Use roles instead of multiple-inheritance, much easier to get right!
> I would be very grateful to you if you could show me some code to make it
> work.
> All my attempts to do it (using Moose roles or inheritance via 'extends') was
> unsuccessful.
I looked at your github repo, some of the problems might comes because
your Result namespace is nested.
Put all classes directly in the Result namespace.
In our schema i have a result base class in Result::Parent::All which
e.g. loads components that are used by most tables like TimeStamp.
This is how it looks (the Result namespace is called Table in my schema):
package NAC::Model::DBIC::Table::Parent::All;
use Moose;
use MooseX::NonMoose;
use namespace::autoclean;
extends 'DBIx::Class::Core';
# disable cascade_delete by default
around qw( might_have has_one has_many ) => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
# copy to avoid side effects cause by modifying the input params
my @params = @_;
my ( $rel, $f_class, $cond, $attrs ) = @params;
$attrs ||= {};
$attrs->{cascade_delete} = 0
unless exists $attrs->{cascade_delete};
$params[3] = $attrs;
# to allow subclasses use around method modifiers
return @_;
Then I have a result role that adds four columns to a table:
package NAC::Model::DBIC::ResultRole::Auditable;
use base DBIx::Class;
use Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks
-after_apply => sub {
my ($class, $component) = @_;
$class->load_components(qw( UserStamp ));
{ data_type => "DATETIME",
is_nullable => 0,
timezone => "UTC",
set_on_create => 1,
{ data_type => "NUMBER",
is_foreign_key => 1,
is_nullable => 1,
size => 6,
store_user_on_create => 1,
{ data_type => "DATETIME",
is_nullable => 0,
timezone => "UTC",
set_on_create => 1,
set_on_update => 1,
{ data_type => "NUMBER",
is_foreign_key => 1,
is_nullable => 1,
size => 6,
store_user_on_create => 1,
store_user_on_update => 1,
{ join_type => "LEFT" },
{ join_type => "LEFT" },
}, qw();
=head1 NAME
NAC::Model::DBIC::ResultRole::Auditable - result role that adds audit
and relationships.
# this has to go after ->table
+NAC::Model::DBIC::ResultRole::Auditable ));
I don't remember why Class::C3::Componentised::ApplyHooks was necessary
to make it work as I have other roles that don't require it but I think
it has to do with adding relationships as well.
And in one of the result classes I apply the role just after the
add_columns call:
+NAC::Model::DBIC::ResultRole::Auditable ));
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