[Epo-grants-in-progress] DBIC docs grant

Jess Robinson castaway at desert-island.me.uk
Sun Aug 2 18:58:34 GMT 2009

Hi folks,

Matt asked me if I'd like to do the DBIC/SQL docs item that has a grant 
attached. I said yes, so what happens next?

I'd already started an SQLToDBIC doc a while back, and I've already got a 
tutorial on CPAN with v2 partly done. So mostly what I'd like to know is, 
is there a fuller description, or can whoever proposed it pop up and tell 
me what I'm missing to complete? Be interested to know who asked for a 
tutorial (and thus didn't find the existing one) too.

EPO needs to make more noise about what's going on btw, get a twitter 
account ?


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