[Epo-marketing] Thoughts on writing marketing stuff

Mike Whitaker mike at altrion.org
Mon Dec 1 08:28:08 GMT 2008

- Be positive.

	If you say 'Perl is not dead' people won't hear the 'not', they'll  
hear the punchy word 'dead'. (Example - ever wondered why no-one stops  
running if you yell 'don't run'? That's why the police are trained to  
yell 'walk!' at crowds... must try that one on my son!)

- In a similar vein, promote Perl, rather than knock down other  

	Comparisons are fine. Fact corrections are fine - "Actually, Perl  
does do X'... We're not in the business, I don't believe, of selling  
Perl as the best language ever (even thought it is :) :) :) :) ), but  
of repairing the perception of Perl as an enterprise language.

- Fact check your stuff

	This should go without saying. A factual error will invalidate the  
rest of your arguments in some folks' eyes.

- Think about your target audience!

  	EPO effectively has three target audiences:
         - the already enlightened Perl community (the IRC etc  
regulars). We want these folks as members, evangelists, activists,  
working group contributors
	- the folks still writing Perl 4 in Perl 5, or rejecting Perl in  
favour of PHP/Java/whatever because their perception of Perl IS Perl 4  
or early 5.
         - CEOs/CTOs/CIOs/other tech management/architect roles

         They're different groups, and they need to be addressed  

- Be sure you know what you're trying to sell, and stay focussed

    	If you're (for example) plugging the extended core working group,  
don't digress onto who we're giving grants to...
Mike Whitaker - mike at altrion.org

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