[Epo-members-announce] Adding Padre, the Perl IDE as and EPO project

James Mastros james at mastros.biz
Mon Feb 15 12:46:15 GMT 2010

(Note: I'm a special member.  As such, my vote doesn't actually count.)

I was going to vote a guarded yey.  As new information comes in, this
has become an abstain.  I think that a hand-holding editor would be a
great thing to perl.  I think that Padre isn't the perlish way to do
it, neccessarly.  I see a lot of attempt at deep integration --
building an editor in perl, and a collection of tools built to work
inside of it, and, Gabor suggests, a framework for writing
applications that is integrated with the editor... the middle one
worries me, and the last is just a step too far.

I think an editor in perl is a good idea.  I also think that better
perl tools for emacs, and for vi, are good ideas.  I think that a
framework for writing desktop applications is a good idea -- but I
absolutely don't want one that treats any editor as a neccessary
component!  (Not even if it was my preferred editor, and I don't think
that Padre will ever become my preferred editor -- I like screen too
much to use a GUI editor again.

I think Strawberry's strength is that it is a distribution of perl,
first and foremost.  You don't have a normal perl way to do things and
a strawberry way, you make the normal perl way to do things Just Work
under strawberry.  That is a great thing, but what I see going on here
is not that thing.

   -=- James Mastros,

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