[Hackadelphia] Intro
David L. Martin
dlmarti at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 17:06:16 GMT 2010
I'm trying to wiggle my weekend into something resembling free-time, so
that I can attend Sundays meeting.
Although I've read the intro posted on the web
(http://hackadelphia.org/), I can find no other information about the
group. It just sounds neat, so I'm in :)
So I figured I'd introduce my self ... my name is David.
I originally started programming on my Dad's Heathkit Microprocessor
Trainer, with the 6800 processor.
I graduated to an old PDP8e, in High School.
Went into the Navy, to maintain the Mk-15 Phalanx (block 0, the original
analog one).
Graduated from College with a degree in Electrical Engineering.
Went to work at Accusort (totally skipping the EE degree and going back
to software).
In the mid-90's I got caught up in Linux, I believe it was Redhat 3.0.3
but my memory is bad.
Got my Amateur Radio License (W0SNJ).
Quit Accusort and started my own company (Element-ID), manufacturing
RFID equipment.
In the last 4 years I haven't done my hacking, but I'm anxious to get
back into it.
I'm in the preliminary steps of designing a Contest Logger with support
for dual soundcards under pulseaudio.
I hope to see you all this Sunday.
David L. Martin
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
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