[Handel] 0.99_05 - Can't locate object method "uuid"
ryan lauterbach
ryan at radianit.com
Thu Aug 24 09:31:42 CEST 2006
It seems when I call $c->model('Cart')->uuid my app isn't able to find
the appropriate uuid class. I have UUID and Data::UUID installed.
My Cart model looks like:
package App::M::Cart;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base qw/Handel::Cart/;
__PACKAGE__->storage->connection_info(['dbi:mysql:db, 'user', 'pass']);
I take it Handel handles the rolling of the schema classes, so we don't
have to create them like with our other tables.
I saw something about __PACKAGE__->uuid_class() which I see defined in
DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns.pm. I tried using this method in my model but
can't find the method. How can I get my model to find the right uuid
generator, or how can I specifically set uuid_class in my app?
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