[Handel] Handel 0.99_03 Released
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Tue Jul 11 03:32:47 CEST 2006
Once again, the well trained monkey servants have put forth a new
development version of Handel. Their master coding includes:
* Fixed AxKit Exception Error (RT#19707,TKP)
* Added start of Handel::Manual
* uuid is now new_uuid, and now in Storage
* Removed setup_columns_accessors in favor or create_accessors in
* Cart/Order/Item classes now have a instance of storage instead of
subclassing it
* Added Handel::Base as super class for Cart/Order/Item classes
* Added Handel::Storage tests
* Handel::Storage now does all schema configurate during first
schema_instance call
* Added Handel::Storage::new/setup
* Cart/Order/Item classes now delegate direct schema access to
* Added validation/constraint/default_value_class to Storage
* Converted Storage from Class::Data::Accessor to
* Refactored injection of components into schema source classes
* schema_instance now creates a clone using compose_namespace and
does its component injection into the clone instead
* Added currency_class/currency_columns to Storage
* Added value() to Handel::Currency
* Added autoupdate to results that inherits from storage->autoupdate
* Added basic compatibility layer for older subclasses
If you are one of the brave souls that is using 0.99_01/02, I apologize
now. There has been a major rewrite of the storage layer, and you will
have to change code. But hey, that's why they call it a development
release right? :-)
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