[Handel] [ANNOUNCE] Handel 0.99_04 Released
Christopher H. Laco
claco at chrislaco.com
Sun Jul 16 00:05:25 CEST 2006
Just because I can't seem to stop, here's another development release
which includes the following changes:
* Schema configuration now finally uses load_components without the
Class::C3 recalc slowdown
* Validation component now uses throw_exception/next::method now
that load_components is used
* Major pod cleanup
* Excised all forms of RETURN_AS
* TEST_SPELLING is now TEST_POD, which all pod tests now use
* Order created/updated fields now return DateTime objects using
* Excised remaining UNIVERSAL::isa mistakes. Blessed is your friend
* Order created/updated fields now default to DateTime->now
It should be on a CPAN mirror nearest you shortly.
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