[html-formfu] 0.01000_02 released to cpan

Tobias Kremer list at funkreich.de
Mon Jul 2 13:24:24 GMT 2007

Hi Carl,

> There were some test failures due to neither YAML nor YAML::Syck being
> listed in the prerequisites.
> So I've added YAML::Syck to the prereqs and uploaded another dev release.

I just upgraded to the latest svn version and suddenly I am getting a
TT error for all forms that utilize select fields: "file error - : not found"

Here's the YAML file:
  - type: select
    label: "Gender:"
    name: gender
    options: [ [ 'none', 'Please choose' ], [ 'f', 'Female' ], [ 'm', 'Male' ] ]

I have also upgraded the root/formfu TT snippets using

Any ideas?


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