[html-formfu] Re $form->get_field with dynamic insert elements

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 10:00:25 GMT 2007

On 01/11/2007, kewei xiao <kewei.xiao at nald.ca> wrote:
> YAML part:
>   - type: Block
>     tag: fieldset
>     id: copyright
>     elements:
>       - type: Block
>         tag: legend
>         content: Copyright
>       - type: +NSSAL::Activities::Form::Element::CopyRightStatus
>         container_tag: ~
>         id: status_list
>         name: status_list
>         attributes_xml: { onchange: "addInfo(this.id)" }
>         attributes:
>           class: radiogroup

>         $form->get_field( 'resources' )->default(

I can't see a field called 'resources' in that YAML config, where's
that being created?

> When I click a radio button, the textarea will pop up.
> when I go to update page, if the radio button is checked by default, i
> want that textare to be pop up and with content in it.

When doing this sort of thing, I find it much easier to:
* view the basic FormFu form in a browser
* use the browser to "save as html" or "save as webpage"
* edit that static page, testing it in the browser
* once you've got that working, reverse-engineer it back to HTML-FormFu

When you say "pop up", do you mean the textarea should be inserted
into the page, between existing fields?
If so, I can't really help you with that - I don't even attempt to
write cross-browser JavaScript anymore, I just use Dojo.
You can find an example of something similar in the Dojo::Repeatable
element here:

I think the basic steps you need are:
* the textarea markup should be in a JS string
* this string needs to be built into DOM nodes
* you insert those DOM nodes into the appropriate place in the document
* you either need a body onload event, or JS within the body to check
the radio button when the document is first loaded
* you also need an event handler on the radio button, to handle it
being checked after page-load

If you need more help than this, I think you're going to need to take
it to a JS forum.

btw - it's not a big deal, but your example YAML...

  - type: Block
    tag: fieldset
    id: copyright
      - type: Block
        tag: legend
        content: Copyright
      - type: +NSSAL::Activities::Form::Element::CopyRightStatus

Could be written much more succinctly as:

  id: copyright
  legend: Copyright

  - type:+NSSAL::Activities::Form::Element::CopyRightStatus


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