[html-formfu] Re $form->get_field with dynamic insert elements
kewei xiao
kewei.xiao at nald.ca
Thu Nov 1 20:07:54 GMT 2007
Hi Carl
I don't get email from the list, so every time I have to write a
new email for replying. Sorry about that
here are all the code snippet:
YAML part:
- type: Block
tag: fieldset
id: copyright
- type: Block
tag: legend
content: Copyright
- type: +NSSAL::Activities::Form::Element::CopyRightStatus
container_tag: ~
id: status_list
name: status_list
attributes_xml: { onchange: "addInfo(this.id)" }
class: radiogroup
Custome Element part:
use base qw( HTML::FormFu::Element::Radiogroup );
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new( @_ );
my $c = $self->form->stash->{ context };
my $status
= $c->model( 'Activities::CopyrightStatus' )->search;
$self->options( [ map { {
label => $_->description,
value => $_->status_id },
} $status->all ] );
return $self;
Fill the default value part:
if ( $c->req->param('resources') ) {
$form->get_field( 'resources' )->default(
$activity->copyright_resources );
When I click a radio button, the textarea will pop up.
when I go to update page, if the radio button is checked by default, i
want that textare to be pop up and with content in it.
hope this can explain what I am looking for , Thanks Carl
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