[html-formfu] nested elements, and $form->get_element

Ruben Fonseca rubenfonseca at di.uminho.pt
Thu Oct 11 11:44:47 GMT 2007


I noticed that my $form->get_element stopped working. I digged a lot  
until I find the cause.

It seems that get_element (and get_elements) search on $form- 
 >_elements that, AFAIK, are the elements *after* the rendering is  
passed on them?

Well my problem is that I have several elements nested on a fieldset,  
and get_element couldn't find the nested elements, only the outer ones.

My solution to the problem was to change on ObjectUtil.pm the calls  
to $form->_elements to $form->get_all_elements on "sub get_elements".  
Can you confirm this?


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