[html-formfu] HTML-FormFu-DBIC
Mario Minati
mario.minati at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 27 10:32:15 GMT 2007
On Thursday 27 September 2007 10:24:58 Zbigniew Lukasiak wrote:
> On 9/26/07, Mario Minati <mario.minati at googlemail.com> wrote:
> > As I'm not an DBIC expert it's realy hard to get what happens when you
> > dive into it, so my brain stopped following at
> > $dbic->$method( [ $objects_rs->all ] );
> > Are you setting multiple User objects (for where Selectbox) for the
> > current db row?
> Hi - that was for many_to_many - (see
> http://search.cpan.org/~ash/DBIx-Class-0.08007/lib/DBIx/Class/Relationship/
>Base.pm#set_$rel ), unfortunately for has_many currently there is no such
> convenient method, and it is also not obvious how it should work. Here is
> what I did for has_many:
> # 'Unrelating' all the currently related records (this is a bit of hack):
> my $info = $dbic->result_source->relationship_info($relation);
> my ($self_col, $foreign_col) = %{$info->{cond}};
> if ( $self_col =~ /^foreign/ ) {
> ( $foreign_col, $self_col ) = %{$info->{cond}};
> }
> $foreign_col =~ s/foreign\.//;
> $dbic->$relation->update( { $foreign_col => undef } );
> # Here we can also delete the records instead of 'unrelating them' -
> what is correct depends
> # on the application.
> # I'll add an option to the config for that
> my ($pk) = $dbic->result_source->primary_columns;
> $objects_rs->update( { $foreign_col => $dbic->$pk } );
> # And here relating all the records that need to be related.
> # We could also add some efficiency to that - by not 'unrelating' all
> of the records - only those
> # that are not in @objects_rs.
You are removing and recreating the related rows, what do you think of a loop
removing only records that are no longer required and create new ones.
I'm thinking of this as in my app the model (and the db) autocreates an
GUID/UUID column for every new row that is used for linking stuff together.
These kinds of relations would currently get lost.
What kind of select box does MySelect provide?
With regard to your idea of separating the fill_formfu_values and
populate_from_formfu I suggest putting the functions itself in a class in the
HTML::FormFu tree, providing the functionallity.
Then the DBIC::HTML::FormFu class can use these functions to do it's work and
everyone's free to go his/her way.
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