[html-formfu] Segmentation fault from filter regex

Ashley Pond V ashley.pond.v at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 22:57:03 GMT 2008

Just putting this out there. Don't know if it's a known issue or not.
I expected filters to take real regexes since contraints will (which I
wish were documented, I couldn't find it and read the source to figure
out I could do it without the ::Common stuff).

This is causing a seg fault for me:
      - type: Regex
        match: !!perl/regexp (?-xism:\A\s+|\s+\z)

While this works fine:
      - type: Regex
        match: \A\s+|\s+\z

[1]    Segmentation fault            perl script/*_server.pl -d -r -p 8888
$ perl -MHTML::FormFu -le 'print HTML::FormFu->VERSION'
$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

Thanks for looking.


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