[html-formfu] Unable to create a Callback constraint via populate()

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 13:29:44 BST 2008

2008/5/9 Michele Beltrame <mb at cattlegrid.info>:
> Hi Carl!
> Me again. ;-)
>> However, I've now changed element() so it does a shallow clone ( using
>> $hashref = {%$hashref} ) instead of dclone().
>> This avoids the immediate butchering by element(). Whether this has
>> any unwanted side-effects further down the line, we'll just have to
>> wait and see.
> As arleady noted, this works perfectly for single elements. However, I
> now discovered that something like this:
> my $empty_to_undef = sub {
>    [...]
> };
> [...]
>    element_defaults => {
>        Text    => {
>            transformers => [{
>                type        => 'Callback',
>                callback    => $empty_to_undef,
>            }],
>        }
>    },
> [...]
> triggers the:
> Can't store CODE items at /u/www/cheiron/cryo/Cryo/script/../lib/HTML/FormFu/ObjectUtil.pm line 108.
> error as before. It seems that coderefs are accepted if I place constraints
> or transformers or whatever inside single elements, but not if I place
> them as element_defaults.

Okay, the only way to get around this, while keeping the support for
closures, is to change clone() to only do a shallow hash copy of
default_elements() instead of a deep clone.

I've had to update all the element/processor/plugin builders to do a
shallow copy of any hashrefs passed to them, so they don't bork
structures that might need to be reused.

Hopefully this'll solve it properly now.


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