[html-formfu] Displaying 2 forms in the same page
Andreas Marienborg
omega at palle.net
Tue Oct 14 08:59:26 BST 2008
On Oct 13, 2008, at 9:10 PM, Matija Grabnar wrote:
> Andreas Marienborg wrote:
>> Something like that?
>> If no-one objects, I'll commit it tomorrow
>> - andreas
> That looks very nice, but, if you'll permit me an observation, it
> only covers the part with the rendering of the two forms.
> Would it be possible for you to document the other part of the
> usage, too? (I mean the part where you decide which form was
> submitted, and then process it). It may seem obvious to you, and I
> **think** I can see how it would be done, but having it spelled out
> would certainly make it easier for people who are just coming to
> catalyst/form-fu.
More like this? this is untested, and written by memory :p someone
might wanna write a test-application based on it?
- andreas
=head2 Multiple forms using Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu
Sometimes you need to display multiple forms on a single page. If you
try to use FormConfig on several actions in a chain, or similar, they
all use $c->stash->{form} to store the form, hence you only get the last
One way to work around such problems is to do a little of the work
In this example we have a login_form that we want on every page
# root/forms/login.yml:
indicator: username
type: Text
name: username
- Required
We also have an edit-form
# root/forms/foo/edit.yml
indicator: name
type: Text
name: name
- Required
type: Password
name: password
- Required
We load this in the top-most auto action:
package MyApp::Controller::Root;
use parent 'Catalyst::Controller::HTML::FormFu';
sub auto : Private {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# We want to utilize alot of the magic that the controller
# gives us, so therefore we call $self->form like this
my $login_form = $self->form;
# Notice how we put it into another stash var, not 'form'
$c->stash->{login_form} = $login_form;
# Since we set indicator, we should only end up here if we
# have a username in the form
if ($login_form->submitted_and_valid) {
username => $login_form->field_value('username'),
password => $login_form->field_value('password'),
Any other page that wants to load another form, can now do so freely:
package MyApp::Controller::Foo;
sub edit : Local FormConfig {
my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
my $form = $c->stash->{form};
my $item = $c->model('DBIC::Foo')->find($id);
if ($form->submitted_and_valid) {
# Do whatever you want with it :p
In the view-land we now have two stash-variables:
[% login_form %]
[% form %]
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