[html-formfu] Issues with Repeatable blocks

Nigel Metheringham nigel.metheringham at dev.intechnology.co.uk
Tue Oct 14 13:27:57 BST 2008

I'm experimenting with Repeatable blocks, in conjunction with
::Model::DBIC, to produce multiple subsections within a form
representing the related objects to the main object I am dealing with.

There are 2 related issues I have with doing this:-

   1. Group elements - I am using Select, but this should
      behave the same with the similar elements.

      If I manually set the value/options list this works fine - all
      subsections have the appropriate bits in the Select element:-
          - legend: Booking
            type: Fieldset

              - label: Booking Type
                name: booking_type
                type: Select
                  - Performance
                  - Dress

      However if I use a resultset to populate this - which works on
      a single (ie not Repeatable) form, the data is pulled from the
      database, but the Select item appears as if no options were
      given to it:-
          - legend: Booking
            type: Fieldset

              - label: Booking Type
                name: booking_type
                type: Select
                  resultset: BookingType

   2. I have some date elements which depend on the parent object.

      Ideally I'd be able to describe the form so that the options were
      populated from a method of that object (or similar callback).
      However, since that is not available to me I have been attempting
      to populate them within the Catalyst controller:-

         # get the form
         my $form = $c->stash->{form};

         # graft the dates in
         foreach ( @{ $form->get_all_elements() } ) {
               unless ( defined($_)
                 && defined( $_->name )
                 && ( $_->name =~ /^date/ ) );

      In a similar way to the resultset problem above, this also does  
      populate the Select appropriately, unless I move the foreach loop
      down to the bottom of the code and put it in this block after
      default populate:-

         unless ( $form->submitted ) {

So basically I now appear to be fighting the system as to when various
expansions take place. Any ideas?


[ Nigel Metheringham             Nigel.Metheringham at InTechnology.com ]
[ - Comments in this message are my own and not ITO opinion/policy - ]

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