[html-formfu] Model::DBIC: Support for additional rows in m2m rels and link values

Moritz Onken onken at houseofdesign.de
Thu Aug 6 17:03:06 GMT 2009

Hi Carl,

hope you had nice holidays :-)

Here is a patch which adds some functionality to Model::DBIC

from the docs:

If you want to set columns on the link table you can do so if you add a
C<link_values> attribute to C<model_config>:

         - type: Checkboxgroup
           name: authors
               foo: bar

The default implementation will first remove all related objects and  
set the
new ones (see L<http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base#set_$rel 
If you want to add the selected objects to the current set of objects
set C<additive> in the C<model_config>.

         - type: Checkboxgroup
           name: authors
             additive: 1
             options_from_model: 0

(<options_from_model> is set to C<0> because this L</ 
options_from_model> will try to fetch
all objects from the result class C<Authors> if C<model_config> is  
without a C<resultset> attribute.)

It would be great if you could include this in the next release.
I can commit it if you want me to.



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