[html-formfu] HTML-FormFu 0.04000 uploaded to cpan

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 22:35:01 GMT 2009

Thanks to everyone who helped contribute!

Highlights from the Changes file are:

    - Incompatible Change: plugins process() method is now run *after*
      elements' process() method.

    - Incompatible Change: Button element no longer sets retain_default(1) -
      now sets force_default(1). Fixes bug where multiple buttons with same
      name were getting the wrong value after being redisplayed after errors.

    - New pre_process() plugin method that runs at the same time as the old
      process() hook.

    - New Model::HashRef.

    - New inherited method locale() available on forms, blocks and fields.

    - New Element::Number.

    - New Deflators: FormatNumber, PathClassFile, Callback.

    - New Filter::FormatNumber.

    - New Inflator::Callback.

    - New Norwegian I18N translation.

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