[html-formfu] applying a filter

Moritz Onken onken at houseofdesign.de
Tue May 12 15:39:51 GMT 2009

Am 30.04.2009 um 17:09 schrieb Ascii King:

> I am unable to figure out what was decided here. I am trying to set  
> up a simple page to accept a new user with an encrypted password.  
> would someone be able to show me what I need to add to my config  
> file, subroutine and my .yml file to make this work?
> I only ask because it seems the answer put forward by David Schmidt  
> where he wrote his own filter, was rejected.

This should be handled in your model.

my MyApp::Schema::User has the following methods:

sub crypt_password {
     my $csh = Crypt::SaltedHash->new( algorithm => 'SHA-1' );
     return $csh->generate;

sub store_column {
     my ( $self, $column, $value ) = @_;
     $value = $self->crypt_password($value)
       if ( $column eq "password"
         && defined $value);
     return $self->next::method( $column, $value );

this will crypt the password each time it is set to a new value. You  
have to change crypt_password to fit your needs.

store_column is a dbic method so you have to make sure to call  
next::method in there.


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