[html-formfu] different behavior of H::F::Model::DBIC 0.04002 and
Wolfgang Kinkeldei
wolfgang at kinkeldei.de
Wed May 13 07:13:48 GMT 2009
Good morning,
the 2 latest versions of HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC do behave
In my table 'product' I have a column 'color_id' that references
the relevant part of my form config for a product looks like this:
- type: Select
name: color_id
label: Color
empty_first: 1
empty_first_label: '- none -'
resultset: Color
label_column: color_name
order_by: color_name
Updating a record with 0.04002 works fine, doing the same with 0.04003
yields the message:
'The primary key and the foreign key may not be the same column in
class ...'
Am I doing something wrong that changed and I missed it?
Wolfgang Kinkeldei
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