[html-formfu] Bug with re-occuring nested related tables with CP FormFu?

Mario Minati mario.minati at googlemail.com
Fri May 29 23:32:26 GMT 2009

Am Freitag 29 Mai 2009 10:41:30 schrieb Toby Corkindale:
> Hi,
> I'm using FormFu in Catalyst, with a DBIC schema, and have a problem
> with a particular usage of nested relationships in the form.
> The table in question has a might_have relationship with another table,
> let's say like:
> book (id, title, blurb)
> book_extra (book_id, num_pages, in_stock)
> Now, I setup a form like:
> ---
> elements:
>    - name: title
>      type: Text
>    - type: Block
>      tag: div
>      nested_name: book_extra
>      elements:
>        - name: num_pages
>          type: Text
>    - name: blurb
>      type: Textarea
>    - type: Block
>      tag: div
>      nested_name: book_extra
>      elements:
>        - name: in_stock
>          type: Checkbox
> -----------------------------
> The idea being that num_pages and in_stock are sent to the related table
> instead.
> This *does* work for the first nested item, in this case num_pages.
> However the second time it comes up, it doesn't do anything - ie.
> in_stock is never saved to the DB.
> If I move the in_stock element higher up, in the same Block as
> num_pages, then it does work.
> Is this a known bug/limitation, or is this supposed to work?
> Am I doing something wrong?

Hi toby,

this is probaply a limitation of the current implementation of FF::M::DBIC.

In line 464 (rev. 1525) we only look for the *first* element with a specific 
nested_name attribute.

So you need to rewrite your form to only include one block with a given 



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