[html-formfu] dynamically filter a Select list

Charlie Garrison garrison at zeta.org.au
Wed Sep 16 01:28:19 GMT 2009

Good morning,

On 15/09/09 at 4:22 PM -0400, Ascii King 
<tech at swattermatter.com> wrote:

>This doesn't seem to do anything. I think it is supposed to 
>load a set of functions into the header, but when I check the 
>in-browser source code, nothing is there. I have installed 
>HTML::Prototype and Catalyst::Plugin::Prototype on my computer. 
>Is there something I need to add to my code to get it to 
>recognize those plugins?

Someone may correct me, but I don't think Protoype is considered 
a good javascript library to use these days. There are lots to 
choose from that seem to have a much better rep; Dojo, ExtJS, 
jQuery, etc. I use Dojo and am very happy with it.

So, if you're just starting with a javascript lib now, you may 
as well start with something that will serve you better into the future.


    Charlie Garrison  <garrison at zeta.org.au>
    PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

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