[html-formfu] dynamically filter a Select list

Ascii King tech at swattermatter.com
Wed Sep 16 13:28:18 GMT 2009

>> Someone may correct me, but I don't think Protoype is considered a 
>> good javascript library to use these days. There are lots to choose 
>> from that seem to have a much better rep; Dojo, ExtJS, jQuery, etc. I 
>> use Dojo and am very happy with it.
> That's a bold statement. Prototype is a very lightweight JS library 
> which fits perfectly the needs if Ascii King because he just wants to 
> do an ajax call. Every other library would add lots of code he doesn't 
> need. Prototype is actively developed and very stable. I think it's 
> still one of the best libraries.
> But, if you plan to dive deeper into the ajax sea you'd probably 
> better off with a libarary like jQuery.
> cheers,
> moritz
Thanks, guys. That's exactly the kind of help I need when starting out.  
I'll check out the other libraries and see what I need. I do want the 
smallest library that provides the functionality I am looking for right 
now, though.

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