[html-formfu] Add a name property for Callback constraints? Forcing errors

Oskari 'Okko' Ojala okko+formfu at frantic.com
Thu Jan 28 16:37:25 GMT 2010

Consider this:

- type: Checkbox
   name: email_permission
     - type: Callback
       message: 'You cannot turn this off when you have pending orders.'
       name: orders_blocking
     - type: Callback
       message: 'You cannot turn this off when you have pending questions.'
       name: questions_blocking

I'd like to reference one of multiple callbacks by name to be able to 
define the error messages in YAML and to define the complicated database 
checks in code. The name would be needed to match the correct Callback, 

         name => 'orders_blocking',
         type => 'Callback',

but at the moment name is not allowed for Callbacks:
"cannot use name() as a setter at ..../_Field.pm"

Is there some other method to match a correct Callback if there are many?

Also, after forcing an error and calling $form->process, 
$form->submitted_and_valid still returns true. Could it change to return 
false, as then the form is not valid anymore?


Oskari "Okko" Ojala

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