[html-formfu] Add a name property for Callback constraints? Forcing errors

Ronald J Kimball rkimball+formfu at pangeamedia.com
Fri Jan 29 15:29:26 GMT 2010

Oskari 'Okko' Ojala wrote:

> Is there some other method to match a correct Callback if there are many?

Personally, I use a regex on the value of the callback field. 
Obviously, that doesn't work if you're not actually specifying a 
callback value.

Being able to specify a name for the constraint would be much better.

> Also, after forcing an error and calling $form->process, 
> $form->submitted_and_valid still returns true. Could it change to return 
> false, as then the form is not valid anymore?
> Reference:
> http://search.cpan.org/~cfranks/HTML-FormFu-0.06001/lib/HTML/FormFu/Manual/Cookbook.pod#Custom_error_messages 

That is, surprisingly, by design:



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