[html-formfu] Is mro.pm really required?

Brian Cassidy brian.cassidy at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 15:45:00 GMT 2010

On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Matthias Dietrich <perl at rainboxx.de> wrote:
> I ran into the same issue on one of our servers and installed HTML::FormFu from svn trunk.  All tests passed regaring the mro issue.
> But test xt/circular_reference.t failed because Test::Memory::Cycle was not found.  I ran `make test` by hand (without calling `cpan .` inside HTML-FormFu), but the Makefile.PL doesn't mention a Test::Memory::Cycle dependency either.

Tests in the "xt" are only meant for development purposes. They won't
be executed from a cpan install once an official release is cut.

Hope that helps,

Brian Cassidy (brian.cassidy at gmail.com)

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