[html-formfu] refresh of the form

rahed raherh at gmail.com
Wed Mar 10 10:07:53 GMT 2010


I want to replace my FormBuilder and start anew with FormFu.

In my template I had:

[% FormBuilder.render %]
[% IF c.session.refresh %]
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"/>

When I replace FormBuilder with form the
form is no longer submitted when there is a refresh.

The controller code is like this:

sub run : Local : FormConfig('myconfig') {
 ($self,$c) = @_;
 $form = $c->stash->{form};
  if ($form->submitted_and_valid) {
  # code

and myconfig has submit element:

- type: Submit
  name: submit
  value: Submit

I tried to include submit indicator in the config and something like
this in the template:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10"/>
[% form.get_field('submit').value = 'Submit' %]
[% form.process %]
[% form.render %]

to no avail.
The form is manually submitted with its values after clicking but when
the page is refreshed, submitted is false. 

What do I miss?


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