[html-formfu] Taking default value when not supplied in query (plaintext)

Wicked bits wickedbits at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 16:16:09 GMT 2010

Sorry for the mangled post, here it is plainly:

When FormFu processes a query that contains only some of the defined
fields, how can the fields that don't appear in the query have their
default value(s) in $form->params?


use strict;
use HTML::FormFu;
use Data::Dumper;

my $form = HTML::FormFu->new;

$form->indicator('foo');  # only foo is required to be considered submitted

# required field
	name           => 'foo',
	constraints    => 'Required'

# optional field - when bar is not supplied, should use its default
	name           => 'bar',
	type           => 'Select',
	default        => 'b',
	retain_default => 1,
	values         => [qw/ a b c /],
	constraints    => 'AutoSet'

# bar is not supplied as part of query
	foo => 'a'

print Dumper( $form->params );

# output:

# $VAR1 = {
#    'foo' => 'a'
# };

# expected output:

# $VAR1 = {
#    'foo' => 'a',
#    'bar' => 'b'
# };

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