[html-formfu] Render just a single element?

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 11:33:09 GMT 2012

Hi Benjamin,

Thank you! It works fine.


From: "Benjamin Martin" <benmartin at venda.com>

> On 12/07/12 06:08, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
>> Is it possible to render the form elements one by one
> hello,
> something like this might work:
> [% form.start %]
> <h2> [% form.element({ name => 'box1' }) %] </h2>
> <p> here is some text </p>
> <h3> [% form.element({ name => 'box2' }) %] </h3>
> [% form.end %]
> hope it does :)
> -ben
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