[html-formfu] CSS Class Prefixes

Jan Harders jan at delinquent.de
Sat May 4 17:53:38 GMT 2013

Hey everyone,

I'm pretty new to HTML::FormFu. I'm working with the Foundation
CSS-Framework which has a label-class that makes forms with labels look
pretty weird.
I fixed that myself by just adding

if($attribute eq "class") {
        $value =~ s/ +/ formfu_/g;
        $value = 'formfu_' . $value;

to the process_attrs in FormFu::Util, but that feels a bit dirty. Is
there a way to set a class-prefix that I overloooked? If not, why not
introduce one? Or, as an alternative, the possibility to pass a hashref
with class2wantedclass-names.

What to you think?



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