[Html-widget] css for HTML::Widget

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 16:32:53 GMT 2006

On 03/11/06, Zbigniew Lukasiak <zzbbyy at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please don't restrain any comments - everything can help me in leading
> this small project in the right direction.

I just noticed unused template files, etc that weren't being used, so,
given that it was obviously a work in progress, I just wanted to make
it clear that I wasn't criticizing, but just asking whether you
normally did that

> Answering your question about using Catalyst::Plugin::HTML::Widget - I
> just don't like empty modules.  I don't think the functionality in
> this one really deserves additional module.

But C-P-H-W passes $c->req and $c->req->uploads to $w->process().
Does using CGI.pm after Catalyst has read the input work at all with
POST requests?
I can't imagine it works with fastcgi either.

> Answering your other question - I was thinking about using it as a
> bridge between the programmers and designers communities.  So yes I
> planned  to keep it open, like a wiki. Later we could build there some
> anti-abuse means.  For now the question would be what could attract
> designers here.  It looks like that would require individual
> authorship - so that they would get some exposure for their work.

That sounds good.

If I host it, I'll need to use SQLite for the backend, and run it under fastcgi.
I would need to add some kind of limit to ensure it doesn't eat up all
my disk quota.


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