[Html-widget] Possible bug with undef in DBIx::Class::HTMLWidget?
Zbigniew Lukasiak
zzbbyy at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 10:02:27 GMT 2007
Thanks for such a detailed analysis of the problem. I'll apply your
patch and release a new version of HTML::Widget::DBIC.
But explaining the current situation - I am waiting for the
HTML::FormFu to be released and then I'll convert the DBIC code to be
based on it and make HTML::Widget::DBIC obsolete.
Anyway Thanks,
On 3/30/07, stephen joseph butler <stephen.butler at gmail.com> wrote:
> (Apologies is this is the wrong list)
> I'm trying to create a select list for a database key that is either
> an integer or null. The code to do this looks something like this
> (this is Catalyst and DBIx::Class):
> package Foo::Controller::Bar;
> # blah blah blah
> sub widget {
> my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
> my $w = $c->widget( 'baz' );
> my @bazes = $c->model( 'Foo::Baz' )->search(
> undef,
> {
> select => [qw/id name/],
> order_by => 'name'
> } );
> $w->method( 'post' );
> $w->element( 'Select', 'baz_id' )
> ->label( 'Baz' )
> ->size( 1 )
> ->multiple( 0 )
> ->options( '' => '(none)', map { $_->id => $_->name } @bazes );
> return $w;
> }
> sub save : Local {
> my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
> my $widget = $self->widget( $c );
> my $result;
> $widget->action( $c->uri_for( 'save', $id ) );
> $widget->element( 'Submit', 'save' )
> ->value( 'Save' );
> $result = $widget->process( $c->request );
> if ($result->has_errors) {
> # do stuff to redisplay the form
> } else {
> my $bar;
> if (defined $id) {
> $bar = $c->model( 'Foo::Bar' )->find( $id );
> } else {
> $bar = $c->model( 'Foo::Bar' )->create( {} );
> }
> $bar->populate_from_widget( $result );
> $c->response->redirect( $c->uri_for( 'list' ) );
> }
> }
> More code than I probably needed to show... but anyway, I change to
> the '(none)' option and nothing happens. It doesn't save. Looking
> through the code for DBIC::HTMLWidget I think the problem is here:
> sub populate_from_widget {
> my ($dbic,$result)=@_;
> croak('populate_from_widget needs a HTML::Widget::Result object
> as argument')
> unless ref $result && $result->isa('HTML::Widget::Result');
> # find all checkboxes
> my %cb = map {$_->name => undef } grep {
> $_->isa('HTML::Widget::Element::Checkbox') }
> $result->find_elements;
> foreach my $col ( $dbic->result_source->columns ) {
> my $col_info = $dbic->column_info($col);
> my $value = scalar($result->param($col));
> if ($col_info->{data_type} and $col_info->{data_type} =~
> m/^timestamp|date|integer|numeric/i
> and defined $value and $value eq '') {
> $value = undef;
> }
> if (defined($value) and !ref($value) and $value eq 'undef') {
> $value = undef;
> }
> $dbic->$col($value)
> if defined $value || exists $cb{$col};
> }
> $dbic->insert_or_update;
> return $dbic;
> }
> Couple things:
> 1) The schema loader made my column data_type INT, which doesn't match
> the regex.
> 2) When updating the baz_id column, it skips it because the value is
> now undefined. That was the point!
> Am I doing something wrong? I manually changed the code to look like
> this, and it seems to work:
> sub populate_from_widget {
> my ($dbic,$result)=@_;
> croak('populate_from_widget needs a HTML::Widget::Result object
> as argument')
> unless ref $result && $result->isa('HTML::Widget::Result');
> # find all checkboxes
> my %cb = map {$_->name => undef } grep {
> $_->isa('HTML::Widget::Element::Checkbox') }
> $result->find_elements;
> foreach my $col ( $dbic->result_source->columns ) {
> my $col_info = $dbic->column_info($col);
> my $value = scalar($result->param($col));
> next unless defined $value || exists $cb{ $col };
> if ($col_info->{data_type} and $col_info->{data_type} =~
> m/^timestamp|date|int|numeric/i
> and defined $value and $value eq '') {
> $value = undef;
> }
> if (defined($value) and !ref($value) and $value eq 'undef') {
> $value = undef;
> }
> $dbic->$col($value);
> }
> $dbic->insert_or_update;
> return $dbic;
> }
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Zbigniew Lukasiak
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