[Html-widget] HTML-FormFu example xhtml
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 1 21:20:56 GMT 2007
--- Carl Franks <fireartist at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've mentioned a couple of times recently that I've
> been working on a
> replacement for H-W.
> It's codename is HTML::FormFu, and I've decided to
> post an example of
> the markup it currently generates, including example
> css, in case
> anyone's interested in giving feedback.
> So far I've only tested it on firefox
> (linux/windows) and IE (windows).
> Here's the program used to create the page:
> It's a bit crowded due to the size of the form, but
> it provides an
> example of the similarities/differences with H-W.
> Here's the css:
> The 2nd file contains an IE-only style. It's loaded
> using a html/IE
> comment hack.
> It's not that big a deal, style-wise, if you choose
> to not include the
> IE css file.
> Most of the code functionality is working but I
> can't put it in a
> public svn quite yet, as I started off with the H-W
> codebase, and so
> the copyright notices in all the files are out of
> whack. - A minor
> thing which I'll fix after the weekend.
> However, for now, I'm just hoping that I get some
> feedback on my
> proposed markup and css classname use.
> Cheers,
> Carl
This looks really nice, esp. some of the new stuff you
mentioned such as being able to easily initialize from
a config file. One this that gives me a lot of
trouble with H::W is that I found it difficult/unclear
to make custom element classes to make my own custom
compound elements, or to make simple ready to use
elements like a drop field with all the USA States
already prepopulated. Is making this easier/clearer a
design goal for your framework?
Also what are your plans for constraints and error
Another thing I am wondering about are you plans for
serializing the elements. H::W is very tightly
intergrated with each element, so it's not easy to
create different renderings of a element. At least I
found so. What I am driving at is if the rendering
system was seperated it could be possible to render a
form into different styles, like html forms or xforms.
But maybe this isn't a goal for you. Just thinking.
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