[Perl-org-patches] qa.perl.org

Leo Lapworth leo at cuckoo.org
Tue Dec 29 21:54:26 GMT 2009


Please note this is cross posted.

Several of the QA people have kindly said they will help with updating

I'm cross posting to

I've split out the site a bit more, so there is a 'testing your code' and a
'testing cpan' section on the site.

So what is needed?...

1) Testing your code - I think this will need the largest amount of work.

Hilary, could I ask you to have a look at this?

 - Are the articles the best we can link to?
 - Do we need those articles if we update the rest of the content.
 - can the test-modules.html and testing-guidelines.html be cleaned up and
   (currently in POD, but does not have to stay that way)?

2) Testing CPAN

Shaun, would you mind looking at this?

 - Just needs a quick review/update

3) Phalanx

Shlomi, would you look at this?

 - Clean up, so that it can be put aside as completed/superseded.


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