[Xml-compile] Adding namespaced attributes to elements

Drew Taylor drew at drewtaylor.com
Mon Aug 18 12:16:48 BST 2008

Mark rightly noted this question should have been in a new thread, so  
here goes.

This is an example of the element where I need a namedspaced attribute  

<Segment Apply="Included" ID="CELASSGS" xsi:type="SegmentInsuranceType">
<![CDATA[foo bar baz]]>
<Code Name="Code" Role="Reference" Value="xxx"/>
<Price Ref="PA" Value="100"/>

In my case there are only a few elements which need the attribute, so  
a hook would probably suffice. A nicer way would be useful of  
course. :-)


>> A new question: how can I specify a 'xsi:type="foo"' attribute on an
>> element? An example is: <Segment xsi:type="SegmentProductType">. I
>> tried passing " 'xsi:type' => 'foo' " in the data structure but it  
>> was
>> ignored.
> On the moment, there are no helpers to achieve this.  Probably, I  
> should
> create an option to have these added.  It will be implemented as an
> after-hook, which you can also make yourself:
>   $schema->addHook(type => $mytype, after =>
>      sub { my ($doc, $xml, $path, $val) = @_;
>            $xml->setAttribute("xsi:type" => $mytype);
>            $xml;
>          });
> Unconvenient when you have many types which you want to make explicit.
> XML::Compile::SOAP::Encoding knows how to do it better.
> I have to think about a better solutions, although you should not need
> it when using schemas the usual way.

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