[Xml-compile] The difference between document and rpc bindings

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Fri Nov 14 12:52:53 GMT 2008

* Zbigniew Lukasiak (zzbbyy at gmail.com) [081114 12:08]:
> There are loads of documentation on the subject - but I have not found
> any high-level view instead of the mountains of details.  From all
> that reading I have the intuition that in the document style the
> format of the messages is specified by external (linked) XML schemas -
> while the rpc style defines it's own XML schema for the exchanged
> messages (together with a semantic for it).  Is that right?

Actually, you have document-style, rpc-literal and rpc-encoded.

With schema's and XML, you wish to explicitly define the interface
between applications.  This is very nicely done with document style:
the content of the SOAP request is well described (although you can
still frustrate it, if you want to).

SOAP-RPC is an half-way definedness: in the literal case, fragments
of the body are well defined, but not precisely how they are used.
In the encoded style, there is even more confusion.  So: only use a
"SOAP" brand for its (undeserved) good (commercial) name as standard,
but without committing to write a complete specification.

SOAP-RPC should die IMO, and gladly the SOAP1.2 spec is also explicitly
advices the document style.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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