[Xml-compile] recent installations of XML::Compile::Soap failing tests

Mark Blackman m.blackman at fairfx.com
Thu Oct 9 16:46:26 BST 2008


I'm just writing to report that I'm seeing serious test failures on  
new installations
of XML::Compile::Soap as follows.

t/01use............Test::More version 0.66
Test::Deep version 0.096
XML::Compile version 0.95
XML::Compile::Tester version 0.04
XML::LibXML version 1.65
Math::BigInt version 1.77
libxml2 2.6.23
#   Failed test 'server parsed input'
#   at t/10soap11.t line 127.
# Comparing hash keys of $data
# Missing: 'request', 'transaction'
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 10.

My initial investigation indicates that
the $server1 code in test t10soap11.t is returning an empty hash
for $hash1.

my $server1 = $soap->compileMessage(RECEIVER => @msg1_struct);

is(ref $server1, 'CODE', 'compiled a server');

my $hash1 = $server1->($msg1_soap);

Kind Regards,
Mark Blackman
m.blackman at fairfx.com
T: 0207 778 9311
F: 0207 329 7555

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