[Xml-compile] XML::Compile::SOAP 2.01 [MAJOR]

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Thu Feb 12 08:58:30 GMT 2009

I am a little bit disappointed.  Knowing that a lot of you are using
XML::Compile::SOAP in professional applications, I had expected that at
least some of you would have tried the development version 2.00_01.
But I did not receive any reports!  Is it really without bugs?  So:
apparently the only way to get responses is by producing non-development

The 2.* series is a major rewrite, which should NOT HURT applications in
DOCUMENT-STYLE (you may need to add an explicit "use XML::Compile::SOAP11"
everywhere, but that's all)
    On the other hand, it has changed many names of classes, the way
WSDLs are translated into operations, and so on: the internals are
seriously reworked.

Also, when you use RPC-LITERAL, you should redevelop your application:
it is so much simpler in the new code: just like document-style.
If you use RPC-ENCODED, then you are (still) lost.  Stick to 0.78.

  version 2.01: Thu Feb 12 09:48:17 CET 2009


        - require XML::Compile v1.00 for element_form_default parameter

        - SOAP::version not configurable, but class constant.


        - crash on server errors, when throw() is called.
          rt.cpan.org#42528 [Piotr Roszatycki]

        - do not use /bin/pwd in t/99pod.t

        - do not prefix the user's keys without explicit user request
          via key_rewrite => 'PREFIXED'.  Requires XML::Compile 1.01


        - lookup SOAP protocol via envelope namespace as well.

        - also *::Operation now shows protocol version().

        - added serverClass() and clientClass() for ::Operation.

Use it!

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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