[Xml-compile] Problem with XML::Compile::WSDL11

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Thu Apr 1 09:39:46 GMT 2010

* Tapio.Niva at tieto.com (Tapio.Niva at tieto.com) [100401 06:17]:
> Please have a look at the following slice of the attached incidentBean.wsdl :
> <xs:complexType name="condition">
>  <xs:complexContent>
>   <xs:extension base="tns:filter">
>    <xs:sequence>
>      <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="name" type="xs:string" /> 
>      <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="operator" type="tns:operator" /> 
>      <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="value" type="xs:string" /> 
>    </xs:sequence>
>   </xs:extension>
>   </xs:complexContent>
> </xs:complexType>

Well, this is actually halve of the story.  The "tns:filter" base-class
actually does define a "condition" element, and that is the one you are
producting.  However, your server aparently does not support it.

> However, the service vendor uses the following format to get the
> correct response :
>       <ns1:getIncidents xmlns:ns1='http://incident.sdk.nms.ov.hp.com/'>
>          <arg0 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:ns3="http://filter.sdk.nms.ov.hp.com/" xsi:type="ns3:condition">
>             <name>severity</name>
>             <operator>EQ</operator>
>             <value>CRITICAL</value>
>          </arg0>
>       </ns1:getIncidents>

Now, you stack horror on horror: SOAP-RPC with xsi:type!  These are
ancient concepts.

Xsi:type support is quite new to XML::Compile. While hunting for a
solutions, I discovered some lacking components.

Your script should look like this:

 my $server    = 'uc:pw at ourhost';
 my $filter_ns = 'http://filter.sdk.nms.ov.hp.com/';

 # See wsdl->new, where 'f' is your prefix for $filter_ns
 # Xsi:type only works when you provide the options explicitly, for
 # reasons of performance.
 my %xsi_type  =
  ( 'f:filter' => [ 'f:condition', 'f:constraint', 'f:expression' ]
 my $incidentAPI  = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new
  ( "IncidentBean.wsdl"
  , prefixes => [f => $filter_ns]
  , opts_rw  => {xsi_type => \%xsi_type}
 my $getIncidents = $incidentAPI->compileClient
  ( operation => 'getIncidents'
  , server    => $server
 # Your payload
 my %i = (name=>'severity',operator=>'EQ',value=>'CRITICAL');
 # The "new" structure, apparently not supported by your server
 # does not use xsi:type
 my ($info1, $trace1) = $getIncidents->(condition => \%i);
 warn $trace1->printRequest;
 # The "old" structure, with xsi:type
 my ($info2, $trace2) = $getIncidents->
  ( XSI_TYPE => "{$filter_ns}condition"
  , %i
 warn $trace2->printRequest;

BUT!!! to make this work, you will have to upgrade XML::Compile::Cache to
version 0.95.  I have just uploaded this to CPAN a minute ago.


       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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