[Xml-compile] Re: Errors returned by XML::Compile::SOAP::HTTPDaemon and a couple of other things

Mark Overmeer solutions at overmeer.net
Wed Feb 3 13:36:31 GMT 2010

[moved to the XML-Compile mailinglist, because this is a subject of
common interest]

* Anton Berezin (tobez at tobez.org) [100203 13:02]:
> When trying to send stuff to a simple daemon, I kept getting "406 input
> validation failed" with no explanation in the logs.  I had to doctor
> SOAP/Server.pm to print $@ into a file right after
>   $data = try { $decode->($xmlin) };
> in compileHandler{}, and after that I had to doctor Schema/BuiltInFacets.pm
> to print the error produced by _pattern{} into a file.
> So my question is, do you have any idea why error() in _pattern{} did not
> end up in the logs?

On the moment, the error message is only sent back to the client.  Didn't
you see it as answer?  Should I log the client-produced error as "info"
or "notice" in the server log-file? Probably smart.

Validation errors are sometimes quite hard to find. In many cases, where
minOccurs=0, choice, substitionGroups or unions are at stake, we have to
continue in alternatives which may succeed. On the moment none matched,
then the logic does not know which failure was the cause of the problem.
Add anywhere to your code:

   use Log::Report mode => 'DEBUG';

to get a lot of info about the matching attempts.  Also possible:

   try { .... } mode => 'DEBUG';    # or mode => 3

> Another question is that I don't seem to be able to tell the daemon NOT to
> background itself

When I see the code in Net::Server (line 291), we have a problem:

  if (! $ENV{BOUND_SOCKETS}) {
    ### background the process - unless we are hup'ing
    if( $prop->{setsid} || defined($prop->{background}) ){
      my $pid = eval{ safe_fork() };
      if( not defined $pid ){ $self->fatal( $@ ); }
      exit(0) if $pid;
      $self->log(2,"Process Backgrounded");

Where I default to "background => 1", you cannot overrule that with
an "background => 0" because of that uncommon "defined()" check around
the boolean.  Net::Server option handling is a mess (far
too many ways and inconsistent in behavior)   The author promissed me
two years ago to come with a release which would fix it... but...

Maybe you could add after new()
   delete $daemon->{server}{background};

Hope it works.

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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