[Xml-compile] Beginner's question: Using XML::eXistDB::RPC with
Mirco Hilbert
Mirco.Hilbert at germanistik.uni-giessen.de
Thu Jun 17 10:08:06 GMT 2010
I started testing your Perl module XML::eXistDB sending XQuery requests to an eXist database on my local host.
I'm using the example Shakespeare database by exist-db.org and the following small Perl script:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use XML::LibXML;
> use XML::eXistDB::RPC;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my $existDB = XML::eXistDB::RPC->new(destination => 'http://localhost:8080/exist/xmlrpc',
> user => 'guest', password => 'guest',
> repository => '/db');
> my $xquery = 'for $play in collection(\'/db/shakespeare/plays\')//PLAY
> return <PLAY>{$play/TITLE, $play/SCNDESCR}</PLAY>';
> my ($rc1, $set) = $existDB->executeQuery($xquery);
> my ($rc2, $count) = $existDB->numberOfResults($set);
> my ($rc3, @data) = $existDB->retrieveResults($set);
> $existDB->releaseResultSet($set);
> print Dumper(@data);
The first message I run into is the following warning (but, apparently, I can ignore it):
> Prototype mismatch: sub XML::Compile::RPC::Client::trace (@) vs () at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/RPC/Client.pm line 54.
> Subroutine trace redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/RPC/Client.pm line 54.
The result I get here in @data is a nested hash structure.
But I wonder if there is a possibility to get the result as an XML::LibXML::Document or XML::LibXML::Element object? Or maybe more intuitively as an array of XML::LibXML::Document or XML::LibXML::Element objects respectively, as the result of an XQuery request may also be a sequence?
Is there such a possibility which I maybe have overlooked reading the documentation? Maybe using the FORMAT parameter of retrieveResults?
I'm working with XML::LibXML and XML::LibXSLT to handle and process XML data, I searched for some kind of XML::LibXQuery with a similar ease of use as XML::LibXSLT. And the above usage of XML::eXistDB::RPC would fulfill this kind of task with the constraint dealing with eXist databases.
Best regards,
perl v5.10.0
XML::eXistDB v0.11
XML::Compile v1.15
XML::LibXML v1.70
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