[Xml-compile] Beginner's question: Using XML::eXistDB::RPC
with XQuery
Mark Overmeer
mark at overmeer.net
Thu Jun 17 10:39:36 GMT 2010
* Mirco Hilbert (Mirco.Hilbert at germanistik.uni-giessen.de) [100617 10:08]:
> I started testing your Perl module XML::eXistDB sending XQuery
> requests to an eXist database on my local host.
> The first message I run into is the following warning (but, apparently,
> I can ignore it):
>> Prototype mismatch: sub XML::Compile::RPC::Client::trace (@) vs () at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/RPC/Client.pm line 54.
>> Subroutine trace redefined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/RPC/Client.pm line 54.
Hum... there was still a version XML::Compile::RPC 0.15 waiting in the
queue to be released (Just did it) It is caused by a change in Log::Report.
Change in XML::Compile::RPC::Client
+ use Log::Report 'xml-compile-rpc';
+ use Log::Report 'xml-compile-rpc', syntax => 'LONG';
It is a warning.
> The result I get here in @data is a nested hash structure.
> But I wonder if there is a possibility to get the result as an
> XML::LibXML::Document or XML::LibXML::Element object?
My idea behind the module is to connect pure Perl space with ExistDB.
I strongly prefer to use my ($rc, $info) = $db->describeUser($user);
than to manually construct XML nodes first. And when the call parameters
are plain Perl, the returned data should be that as well...
> Is there such a possibility which I maybe have overlooked reading the
> documentation? Maybe using the FORMAT parameter of retrieveResults?
The FORMAT is part of the query: how eXist must produce the document.
It does not describe how XML::eXistDB should handle it; which is
regulated by parameters to new() or the methods at stake.
Your idea for extension is not too bad... probably, a few selective
methods should be influencable, for instance retrieveResults().
my ($rc, $hash) = $db->retrieveResults($set, decode => 1);
my ($rc, $xml) = $db->retrieveResults($set, decode => 0);
(very unsure on the 'decode' name)
Not hard to implement. Which methods should be configurable to return
XML and how do we use them?
Mark Overmeer MSc MARKOV Solutions
Mark at Overmeer.net solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net http://solutions.overmeer.net
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