[Xml-compile] Problem when returning data from handler: Can't call
method "wasFatal"
Robin V.
robinsp at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 10:51:03 GMT 2010
Solving problems after problems, I come before you with a new one today...
Now that the server is up and running (on unix as I haven't solved the
win32 problem yet), there are problems when I try to return response
from the callback. The error message come from compileHandler:
CONNECT TCP Peer: "" Local: ""
procedure CheckStatus selected
call data not used: CheckStatusResponse
at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/SOAP.pm line 153
connection ended with force; Can't call method "wasFatal" without a
package or object reference at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.0/XML/Compile/SOAP/Server.pm line 81.
I don't know if the problem is that I once again badly use the API
(maybe operationsFromWSDL isn't enough and i have to manually use
compileHandler and compileMessage?) or if the way I construct the
reply is wrong, but whatever the problem is, I'm again in a dead end
The script looks like this:
my $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new($wsdlfile);
my $daemon = XML::Compile::SOAP::HTTPDaemon->new(based_on =>
sub my_callback()
{ my ($soap, $data_in) = @_;
{ CheckStatusResponse => {
Answer => {
Status => 'true'
default_callback => \&my_callback,
callbacks => { CheckStatus => \&my_callback } );
$daemon->run( port => 8889 );
I tried several different ways to return the data, like not using
CheckStatusResponse (in case the first level was handled by the
stack). I also tried things like this:
my %answer;
$answer{Answer}{Status} = 'true';
# or $answer{CheckStatusResponse}{Answer}{Status} = 'true';
return \%answer;
my $answer;
$answer->{Answer}->{Status} = 'true';
# or $answer->{CheckStatusResponse}->{Answer}->{Status} = 'true';
return $anwser;
But the error is always the same...
I think I miss some kind of idiot guide to xml::compile :-/
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