[Xml-compile] Fastest way to send a single message

Patrick Burns patburns at cisco.com
Thu Mar 25 14:18:52 GMT 2010

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to create a set of command line tools which send single  
soap messages to my server.  Starting from your example I used my wsdl  
to compile the call code and then execute it - this works  
wonderfully.  However, because of the size of my wsdl it take several  
seconds to parse and send this single message.  Do you have any  
suggestions to make this process faster?  I've tried writing the  
compiled code out using perls serializer store. As follows:

   $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new("control.wsdl");

  $getInfo = $wsdl->compileClient(
                                        operation => "getInfo",
                                        server    => "localhost:8161"
   store $getSystem, "/tmp/getSystem.serl";
   print Dumper $getSystem;

Which gives me:
$VAR1 = sub {
             package XML::Compile::SOAP::Client;
             use warnings;
             use strict 'refs';
             my $start = time;
             my($data, $charset) = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH') ?  
@_ : (@_ % 2 == 0 ? ({@_}, undef) : error(__x(q[client `{name}' called  
with odd length parameter list], 'name', $name)));
             my($req, $mtom) = &$encode($data, $charset);
             my %trace;
             my $ans = &$transport($req, \%trace, $mtom);
             return UNIVERSAL::isa($ans, 'XML::LibXML::Node') ? & 
$decode($ans) : $ans unless wantarray;
             $trace{'start'} = $start;
             $trace{'encode_elapse'} = $trace{'transport_start'} -  
             if (UNIVERSAL::isa($ans, 'XML::LibXML::Node')) {
                 $ans = &$decode($ans);
                 my $end = time;
                 $trace{'decode_elapse'} = $end -  
                 $trace{'elapse'} = $end - $start;
             else {
                 $trace{'elapse'} = $trace{'transport_end'} - $start;
             $ans, 'XML::Compile::SOAP::Trace'->new(\%trace);

When I load and execute I get undefined reference from $encode.  I  
assume transport and decode will be the same problem.  Is there a  
better way to go about this or is serializing the way to go, and if so  
what parts should I be looking at?

Patrick Burns

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