[Xml-compile] Fastest way to send a single message

Mark Overmeer mark at overmeer.net
Thu Mar 25 15:43:32 GMT 2010

* Patrick Burns (patburns at cisco.com) [100325 14:18]:
> I'm trying to create a set of command line tools which send single soap
> messages to my server.  Starting from your example I used my wsdl to compile
> the call code and then execute it - this works wonderfully.  However, because
> of the size of my wsdl it take several seconds to parse and send this single
> message.  Do you have any suggestions to make this process faster?  I've tried
> writing the compiled code out using perls serializer store. As follows: 
> Store: 
> #######
>   $wsdl = XML::Compile::WSDL11->new("control.wsdl"); 
>  $wsdl->importDefinitions("ns.xsd"); 
>  $getInfo = $wsdl->compileClient( 
>                                        operation => "getInfo", 
>                                        server    => "localhost:8161" 
>                                       ); 
>   store $getSystem, "/tmp/getSystem.serl"; 
>   print Dumper $getSystem;
> #######

You can use XML::Compile::Dumper for that. It uses Data::Dumper::Streamer
which can dump code references. Standard Data::Dumper cannot.

The best way to get performance is by creating a client-side daemon.
You may also try XML::Rewrite to reduce your schema's to the minimum.
But in general, compilation will be slow.

       Mark Overmeer MSc                                MARKOV Solutions
       Mark at Overmeer.net                          solutions at overmeer.net
http://Mark.Overmeer.net                   http://solutions.overmeer.net

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