[Xml-compile] WSDL request and response structure

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Mon Mar 7 15:52:09 GMT 2011


Mark, and other commiters, thanks so much for XML-Compile-SOAP.

I'm working with a standard web services specification and have a number of
WSDL and associated schema files.  I need to implement a server to support a
small subset of the operations defined in the WSDL files.

Frankly, I'm new to WSDL and it's a bit overwhelming trying to look through
the XML to determine the request and response parameters.


The only complication you have to worry about is to shape a nested HASH
> structure to the sending message structure. XML::Compile::Schema::templat=
> may help you.

I looked at the docs, and the schema2example script, but have not been able
to see how to make use of those.

Can that method (or the included scripts) be used to detail the structure of
the request and response?

For example, in the portType section of one of my WSDL files (say,
person.wsdl) I have this operation:

    <wsdl11:portType name=3D"PersonManagerSyncPortType">

        <wsdl11:operation name=3D"createPerson">
            <wsdl11:input message=3D"tns:createPersonRequest"/>
            <wsdl11:output message=3D"tns:createPersonResponse"/>

I also have a person.xsd schema file.  Will ->template or the included
scripts show me the overall structure of those messages and the parameter
attributes?  Could someone show an example how to accomplish this?

Hum, sorry, I'm struggling a bit.  Do I also need to look at the bindings to
determine additional request and response data?  e.g.
for HeaderInfoParameters and HeaderInfoResponse?

        <wsdl11:operation name=3D"createPerson">
            <soap11:operation soapAction=3D"
http://www.imsglobal.org/soap/lis/pms2p0/createPerson" style=3D"document"/>

                <soap11:body use=3D"literal" parts=3D"Parameters"/>
                <soap11:header message=3D"tns:createPersonRequest"
part=3D"HeaderInfoParameters" use=3D"literal" wsdl11:required=3D"true"/>
                <soap11:body use=3D"literal" parts=3D"Response"/>
                <soap11:header message=3D"tns:createPersonResponse"
part=3D"HeaderInfoResponse" use=3D"literal" wsdl11:required=3D"true"/>


-- =

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org
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